Revision of Accounting

Do You feel that something is missing in your bookkeeping or that the submitted accounting is not correct or complete? This situation may unfortunately sometimes occur.

Our experts in this type of orders are ready to revise what You have at your disposal and to propose a solution at the same time.

Thanks to their experience in various business areas, including the non-profit sector, our experts will be pleased to make the revision on Your behalf or they will be happy to help You with any matters connected with the revision.

Make an appointment with us and discuss it

You can negotiate the appointment on the phone number:

(+420) 251 555 148

Or you can use our contact form.


Our Services

We further provide services for Housing Associations and Owners Associations, services connected with company management and accounting software EuroFib.






  • Sozietät Jürgen Geiling & Partner
  • Tel: (+49 9971) 85190
  • Fax: (+49 9971) 851919
  • Address: Cham, Goethestraße 8, BRD