Compulsory Employment of People with Disabilities

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Compulsory Employment of People with Disabilities

With effect from 1 October 2017, the rules on the fulfillment of the mandatory portion of the employment of disabled persons in the form of facultative compensation are changed.

Employers will not be forced to fill in a special annex to the regular annual report which they send to the Labor Office, and in which they stated information of the facultative compensation in detail in the attachment. The report will be still sent but without this mandatory attachment.

Information on the provided facultative compensation will be submitted by the supplier of the facultative compensation. For this purpose, electronic register have been set up by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. The supplier may only supply the facultative compensation to the purchaser if he / she has entered the data on the facultative compensation into this register within 30 calendar days of payment. Without meeting this condition, it will not be possible to count the delivery of the products or services for the customer as facultative compensation. The supplier is responsible for the accuracy of the data.

Suppliers of facultative compensation should add the data on the provided compensation ending 30 September 2017 to the register within 60 days of the amendment being effective.

Other facultative compensation made from 1.10.2017 must be registered by the supplier within 30 calendar days from the payment.

Established electronic records should help ensure compliance with the limit set for the volume of facultative compensation. The system should automatically send an email to the customer with the URL link in which it shall be possible to approve the invoice and the set amount. Data in the register will be stored for 6 years.

The provisions of the law provide a limit for suppliers for the total annual volume of facultative compensation. Specifically it is 36 times the average wage in the national economy for the previous year, for every employee who is a disabled person.

In order for the supplier to supply the facultative compensation, he /she will have to employ more than 50% of the employees that are disabled at established or defined sheltered workshops with a new quarterly recalculated number. Up to now it was the condition to employ 50% of people with disabilities in the yearly recalculated number.

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