Audits a Verification of Subsidies from the EU

We have extensive experience in verifying subsidies and verifying compliance with the prescribed rules for drawing them.

Audits of subsidies, verification of their drawing and final statement of accounts are always carried out according to the requirements set by the grant provider.

It turned out to be very useful to maintain ongoing communication with the client during the time of drawing the grant and compiling monitoring reports. It is a good tool how to prevent potential mistakes to occur during drawing the grant and statement of accounts.

Make an appointment with us and discuss it

You can negotiate the appointment on the phone number:

(+420) 251 555 148

Or you can use our contact form.


Our Services

We further provide services for Housing Associations and Owners Associations, services connected with company management and accounting software EuroFib.






  • Sozietät Jürgen Geiling & Partner
  • Tel: (+49 9971) 85190
  • Fax: (+49 9971) 851919
  • Address: Cham, Goethestraße 8, BRD